Piratefish 3.0 Coming Soon!

I just wanted to let my users know that although things haven't changed much in the last few months, a lot is going on here at Piratefish central. Development has started on building a Piratefish based upon Ubuntu's Linux Server.

Ubuntu, in case you're not aware, is a very popular Linux distro - I actually run it on my own desktop computer as well and it's close to being the first ever desktop replacement Linux that truly can withstand the onslaught of Microsoft.

Ubuntu's server distribution is very much like the Debian Sarge distro - so far, in the earliest stages of development, this distro has more recent versions of all the software used in the Piratefish, which makes adding in features like FuzzyOCR a lot easier!

Although the Webmin installation isn't as smooth as I'd like, the new look and feel of Webmin really moves this thing forward, and Ubuntu is a great distro to be running on as well.

For those of you who've already provided support for the Piratefish project, I want to thank you for your support, and assure to you all that the new version of the Piratefish will be available to all current users at no additional charge. I'm reluctant to provide timetables for when this will be coming out, but I'm hoping to have the new release ready for beta in a couple of weeks.


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