ClamAV Updated - .91.1 works!

For those of you experiencing troubles with ClamAV on Ubuntu, it's time to update. The latest release of ClamAV is out - version .91.1 and the mail getting stuck problem seems to have disappeared for the time being.

Also take note, if anyone performs an "apt-get update ; apt-get upgrade" and sees a message warning that any packages have been "kept back" - then it's time to perform an "apt-get dist-upgrade".

When packages are held back, this is usually for reasons like major change-outs, large version changes or "distribution changes" - what this boils down to is simple - you should do the upgrade, but it might blow away a configuration file depending on what's updated. There's been no problems with any of the Piratefish I manage after this, so I'm recommending that everyone do this at your earliest convenience. A reboot is usually required after doing these updates as well, so you're warned.


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