ClamAV Permissions Errors? Take a look at...
One of my users recently ran into some troubles with their Piratefish where MailScanner was having troubles moving messages after scanning them - in particular, one message became locked into place, and MailScanner was unable to extricate it and get it on it's way.
Now tempting as it may seem to just manually go and fix this, I resisted telling my user, and he resisted doing the same, but he did ultimately re-configure his MailScanner conf file, loading an older backup, and that's where we might have found the source of headaches, as the backup of the file fixed things nicely.
This problem might exist as a problem within the MailScanner Webmin plugin itself, but is easily repaired. All one has to do is enter into their MailScanner.conf file, and find the line containing "Incoming Work Group = clamav" and change it to "Incoming Work Group = "
This fix might have deeper implications for other problems I've seen with MailScanner - all telling me I should start looking at MailScanner configuration alternatives - and there are some worthy replacements for that part of things, FYI. Those updates will be coming out later.
For any of your seeing some weirdness in your logs regarding permissions, please do check this line in your MailScanner.conf. I'll be adding this troubleshooting step into the latest book update as well.
Now tempting as it may seem to just manually go and fix this, I resisted telling my user, and he resisted doing the same, but he did ultimately re-configure his MailScanner conf file, loading an older backup, and that's where we might have found the source of headaches, as the backup of the file fixed things nicely.
This problem might exist as a problem within the MailScanner Webmin plugin itself, but is easily repaired. All one has to do is enter into their MailScanner.conf file, and find the line containing "Incoming Work Group = clamav" and change it to "Incoming Work Group = "
This fix might have deeper implications for other problems I've seen with MailScanner - all telling me I should start looking at MailScanner configuration alternatives - and there are some worthy replacements for that part of things, FYI. Those updates will be coming out later.
For any of your seeing some weirdness in your logs regarding permissions, please do check this line in your MailScanner.conf. I'll be adding this troubleshooting step into the latest book update as well.